Jul 1, 2024
Part I: Pratik Chougule (@pjchougule), Ben Freeman
(benwfreeman1), and Alex Chan (@ianlazaran) discuss why Trump is
unlikely to select J.D. Vance as VP.
Part II: Pratik and Mick Bransfield (@mickbransfield) discuss what
comments will favorably influence the CFTC in the ongoing
rulemaking on event contracts
Part III: Anthony Pickles (@polgambling) provides advice on how to follow the UK elections and maintain an edge in these markets
Part IV: Saul Munn (@saulmunn) explains the importance of capital in building the forecasting community
0:11: Pratik introduces segment on J.D. Vance
0:46: Pratik introduces segment with Mick Bransfield
1:30: Pratik introduces segment with Anthony Pickles
2:13: Pratik introduces segment with Saul Munn
5:02: Vance segment begins
5:14: Chan's views on Vance
6:33: Freeman's analysis on Vance
8:34: Pratik's analysis on Vance
11:07: Segment with Bransfield begins
18:11: Libertarians in CFTC comment period
28:09: Segment with Pickles begins
33:05: Segment with Munn begins
35:24: Social capital
41:33: Weak ties
44:09: Creating value
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Bet on Trump's VP selection at Polymarket https://polymarket.com/event/republican-vp-nominee/will-tim-scott-win-the-2024-republican-vp-nomination?tid=1719813123739
Optic Forecasting: https://www.opticforecasting.com/